Andrews Cheese shop Manhattan Beach location at 1141 Highland, will host “Andrews Cheese 101” November 9, 2018. A complete one on one private intimate setting instructional with owner Andrew Steiner. Tickets are $40 (limited seating). Bring your favorite bottle of wine or you may purchase wine at the event. Andrews Cheese Shop has wines from all over the world including exotic beers and non-alcoholic beverages. The event begins at 7:30P.M featuring the world’s best cheeses hand picked by Andrew Steiner. Tickets are available on EventBrite or Andrewscheeseshopmb

With more than 200 hundred different varieties of cheese, each comes with a descriptive card that provides information about the cheese, and what wine to purchase with it helping shoppers to learn about their favorites. My favorite is the salted butter from Normandy, Andrew suggested it to me when choosing a butter for a baguette to enjoy with our wine and cheese basket at the Hollywood Bowl. It is indeed the best butter I have ever tasted and I will never buy regular butter again. You can now even purchase custom made wine tasting tables, cutting boards, and other cutlery items.

Coming soon at Andrews Cheese Shop Manhattan Beach will be an outdoor seating area to enjoy your wine and cheese with a view of the beach and sunsets. “This is something Manhattan Beach is lacking and we are excited it’s coming” said Katie, a long time customer of Andrews Cheese Shop. Inside there is the feeling of a true old fashioned cheese shop. A variety of chocolates, foods and specialty goods can also be purchased. Please follow @andrewscheeseshopmb, #1141Highland. For more information call (424) 390-4345.

Photos courtesy Gisele/Partyby5. Take a tour of Andrews Cheese Shop Manhattan Beach!

Much thanks for the article, Gisele!