The Whitefire Theatre continues airing its “Best of the Fest” SoloFest performances. SHATTERED, the current award-winning production, was written and performed by Diana Varco. A woman of 1,000 faces, Diana parses her personality into the tiny bits which ultimately make an intense and fascinating whole. As she enters Shame, Denial, Security, Panic, and many other pieces of herself, Diana brings all the emotional tiles which constitute her personal mosaic into play. Since its premiere at the 2017 Whitefire Theatre SoloFest, SHATTERED has been performed nationally and internationally to rave reviews.

Little Diana never really developed much rapport with the distaff side. Even in the third grade, she kicked her crush in the crotch – and things went downhill from there. Diana simply doesn’t date very often and doesn’t really enjoy sex – so her intimate life is pretty barren. Despite her attempts to change that, she seems to suffer from a bifurcated existence: craving closeness and affection while pushing the boys away. Diana managed to maintain her lonely isolation even when surrounded by eligible males – all the while looking like your average run-of-the-mill single. A history of domestic violence certainly didn’t help her gain in self-understanding.

SHATTERED follows Diana’s forays into intimacy and sexuality until the unthinkable happens. Told with wit covering deep pain, she displays a kind of honesty and vulnerability which will make the audience want to comfort her. Despite a story marked by sexual assault, violence, and depression, Diana develops the coping strategies to rise above her anguish – and to offer the promise of light at the end of the tunnel to women who must struggle to regain self-respect and confidence after sexual trauma.

SHATTERED works very well on the streaming platform – given its deeply personal message. With aching feeling, Diana describes the events which shattered her and how she took back control of her life. From a nearly empty stage, she becomes a beacon as she wrings emotion from every word. A consummate actress, she competently wears the many hats necessary to show her personality splintering – and then coming together again with greater strength and confidence. SHATTERED is a journey through crisis, but also a testament to the power of hope.
SHATTERED live streamed at 6 p.m. on Sunday, August 16, 2020, and continued on demand through August 18, 2020. For information about SHATTERED and future performances, please go online.
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